Saturday, December 22, 2012

Choice: Show or Party, which first?

The show has a distinct start and end time. The party may have a distinct start time, but in actuality will go into high gear one hour past that. The show doesn't care that the party is afterward. It might be awkward to leave the party to go to the show. You can't show up late to the show. You can show up late to the party. When the show is over, it's over. When the party is over is defined by anyone.

In this case, the better option would have been to:

Go to the 7pm show, be out by 9pm. Head to the party, catch it from 9:30pm until 12:30pm. No regrets though the party was fun, and I had some great interactions. If I were trying to catch both though, I would have done the show first. In addition, since I didn't have tickets to the show, scalping them earlier on would have been preferential, with more time flexibility. I wouldn't have wanted to leave the party, park, and try to find tickets, all before the show started.

Regarding the party: for a gift exchange, only bring something you'd be willing to take home. I ended up taking my own 5th home, which wasn't great. Plan on the unexpected!

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